Free delivery: over $50


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Local Delivery now available in Jacksonville, FL

We deliver 7 days a week!

  • MONDAY: 10AM - 8PM
  • TUESDAY: 10AM - 8PM
  • THURSDAY: 10AM - 8PM
  • FRIDAY: 10AM - 8PM
  • SATURDAY: 10AM - 8PM
  • SUNDAY: 10AM - 6PM

How it works

  1. To take advantage of our delivery services, simply enter your preferred delivery address during checkout.
  2. Select Local Delivery as your shipping option. The system will determine whether or not you are in our delivery radius.
  3. Choose the date and time that works best for you.
  4. Complete the checkout process. You will receive an email and text confirmation of delivery details.
  5. A member of the New Leaf Vapor Delivery Team will call you to confirm your order and chosen delivery time. Please ensure you answer this call or your order may be delayed or cancelled.
  6. Sit back and relax while we get your order ready.
  7. A New Leaf Vapor Team Member will arrive with your delivery. Please be ready with your government ID.
  8. Vape Away!


Due to the adult-only nature of electronic cigarettes, New Leaf Vapor must adhere to strict delivery protocols.

We may cancel/refund orders if the customer is unavailable for delivery, unable to provide proper ID, or if our staff suspects the order is intended for someone under the legal age.

Delivery fees are non-refundable

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